Achiq Design’s Diamond Buying Guide
Selecting Your Engagement Ring
First you should know that two diamonds are not identical. Each diamond has its own set of unique characteristics.
Diamonds are held to a set of standards for cut, color, clarity, and carat– commonly referred to as the
4 Cs– to determine the overall rating and diamond quality.
Diamond Cut
A diamond’s cut refers to how well-proportioned the dimensions of a diamond are, and how these surfaces, or facets, are positioned to create sparkle and brilliance.

Diamond Color
The color of a diamond is a measurable grade given to an individual diamond to quantify how colorless it is along a standardized diamond color chart. You should know that the diamond color is an important consideration when you are selecting it. While the color of a diamond affects the price you should know that a D color diamond is the highest grade and is very rare to find. Therefore; a diamond with a D, E and F are the highest quality.
The G, H, I and J are near-colorless and a great value for the quality.
The K color diamonds are a budget friendly pick and pairs great with yellow gold.
Diamond Clarity
The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and the American Gem Society (AGS) use diamond clarity charts to judge diamonds based on their appearance and they give each stone a clarity grade within a given scale.
There are Five factors that play a significant role in how a diamond is graded, and how it is “score” on the diamond clarity chart is determined. These five roles in diamond grading include size, nature, number, location, and the relief of the inclusions.
Each diamond is unique but in general, VI and SI are the best value for diamond clarity.

Diamond Carat Weight
A diamond carat weight measures how much a diamond weighs. The larger the diamond, the more per carat it costs.
Keep in mind that the size of the diamond you buy depends on your budget and your expectations.
If searching for a diamond ring visit ACHIQ Designs online or in store portal and let us help you design a unique custom engagement ring.
Symbolize Your Future Together with ACHIQ Engagement Rings…
If searching for a diamond ring visit ACHIQ Designs Jewelry Showcase, you can now customize your engagement ring using our online or in store portal and let us help you design a unique custom engagement ring.